Updated 11/1 & 11/9
“The climate crisis is both the easiest and the hardest issue we have ever faced. The easiest because we know what we must do. We must stop the emissions of greenhouse gases. The hardest because our current economics are still totally dependent on burning fossil fuels, and thereby destroying ecosystems in order to create everlasting economic growth.” – Greta Thunberg, In an address to the British Parliament on April 23, 2019
Next Meetings
November 20 and December 18 at 1pm the the BUUF North Wing.
Meeting Notes
Attending: Jim Bigelow, Tom Neale, Cathy Sandstrom, Eileen Geddings
- Notes from the August meeting
- Set Next Meeting date and time
- afternoon ok
- Nov 20, pm, Dec 18
- Reference Material for Climate Action Team:
- web-site on boiseuu.org/: Climate Action Team: Carbon Neutral by 2050
- on-line document storage: Climate Action Team > Carbon Neutral Project
- Short review of Green Sanctuary 2030
- see the chapter “Green Sanctuary 2030” in Planning for Carbon Neutral and Green Sanctuary 2030 Orientation for more information.
- Program Elements
- Congregational Transformation
- Justice
- Mitigation
- Adaption & Resilience
- Becoming a Carbon Neutral Congregation
- Update on BUUF switching to a Clean HVAC system
- will upgrade with electric furnace & heat pump combination
- Update from Debbie Johnson 9/9/23
- “The hope is to have the HVAC upgrade, sanctuary upgrade, and any other major projects defined and a funding strategy developed by the May 2024 Annual Meeting for a congregational vote. Assuming that a capital campaign or something similar will follow, that will likely be held during the 24-25 Fiscal Year (July, 2024-June 2025).”
- Results of 10/3 woody stem inventory on BUUF’s carbon footprint
- 50 trees were tagged and measured.
- 200 more tags will be available & measuring tapes for more tagging and measuring.
- The results are in google sheets spreadsheet BUUF woody stem inventory
- Another day of tagging and measuring planned for Oct 23. 11 – 2:30 with a lunch break.
- 11/1 update: 188 trees tagged and measured in the 10/3 & 10/20 inventories. Another inventory day is planned in November.
- 11/9 update: rainy, tagged 38 more trees. total 226. Measured tree height.
- We will use How to calculate the amount of CO2 sequestered in a tree per year to calculate the carbon sequestration of our trees
- requires: circumference and height
- calculate tree height: when there is a 45 degree angle from your position to the top of the tree, then the tree’s height is your distance to the tree
- calculate the age of the tree using the circumference and the tree species growth rates. For example
- poplar: 3-5 ft/year
- elm: 3-6 ft/yr
- black locust: 3-4 ft/yr
- apple: 2-3 ft/yr
- arizona cypress: 2-3 ft/yr
- austrian pine: 1 – 1.5 ft/yr
- choke cherry: 1-2 ft/yr
- crab apple: 1-2 ft/yr
- Planning for members and friends to hit 2030 goal — keep it positive and hopeful
- Can we have a short speech or video to be played at for the annual giving drive meetings rather than a separate meeting?
- Question: what are the talking points: plans
- Could we have a little grid of options, and stickers for accomplishments for those who don’t find the numbers and graphs of the a carbon footprint appealing?
- have a set to give out for the household
- could we have a large grid for the congregation to put up of wall where it’s visible on Sundays?
- base this on carbon footprint calculator topics and items
- For example, transportation: electric, hybrid, bike, walk
- BUUF Adult Ed class on calculating your household carbon footprint & IRA savings and discounts for electrifying your home
- From Rewiring America: How much money can you get with the Inflation Reduction Act?
- Idaho Power Heating & Cooling Efficiency Program. Idaho Power offers cash incentives on new energy-saving equipment and services for qualifying homes
- need to collect all incentives available
- Other topics:
- Want to have the BUUF CARBON NEUTRAL BY 2050 logo on the BUUF web page next to the green sanctuary logo
- Can we have a short speech or video to be played at for the annual giving drive meetings rather than a separate meeting?
- Update on BUUF switching to a Clean HVAC system
- Energy Efficiency
- How to calculate the energy efficiency of the BUUF’s building
- Can Idaho Power help with energy audit?
- What recommendations should we make to the Board to be included in their plans for a capital campaign?
- How to calculate the energy efficiency of the BUUF’s building
- Cool Congregations Challenge
- Submit window: Nov 1 – Dec 15
- We will submit an entry for
- Energy Saver: Lighting, Insulation, Windows & Doors, Heating & Cooling Systems
- Possibly: HVAC replacement with heat pumps
- Cool Congregations Planner: Audits, Planning Reports, Fundraising
- BUUF carbon footprint and our plans to switch HVAC to all electric
- Energy Saver: Lighting, Insulation, Windows & Doors, Heating & Cooling Systems
- Net Zero by 2030: Green Sanctuary 2030 Community Meeting:
- Talk by Tom Hackley, People’s Church of Kalamazoo: Finding a pathway to net-zero : a methodology
- View on Vimeo
- View the https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1U1Q2bH3N7s_us6cmUdneZ6aIHTrBpFIExgyED2VTNTw/edit?usp=sharing
- Meeting Notes:
- Clean energy & energy efficiency go hand in hand
- Exiting buildings are better than building new because they’ve already expended their carbon
- Methodology:
- record the starting conditions
- evaluate your building’s energy dynamics
- resources
- “The Visual Handbook of Building and Remodeling”, by Charlie Wing, Taunton Press, 2017
- “Essential Building Science”, by Jacob Deva Racusin, New Society Publishers, 2017
- “Pretty Good House: A Guide to Creating Better Homes”, by Kolbert, Mottram, Maines, and Bailey, Taunton Press, 2022
- “Residential Energy”, by Kroger and Doris, Saturn Resource Management, 6th Edition, 2014
- create a time line of upgrades & improvements to reach your goals
- target/end goal: net-zero and energy efficiency
- record the starting conditions
- Link to Planning the Energy Future of You Congregation Webinar
- link to a previous Green Sanctuary meeting on Funding options for UUs to leverage with IRA funds: https://sidewithlove.org/ourstories/2023/5/22/how-uu-congregations-can-access-ira-funds-for-clean-energy-solutions-webinar-recording-amp-resources
- We have submitted a description of our goals and activities with Create Climate Justice for inclusion in Interfaith Power & Light’s (IPL) application to the DOE’s Renew America’s Nonprofits Grant Program
- Update 11/2: IPL was not chosen as a recipient
- Talk by Tom Hackley, People’s Church of Kalamazoo: Finding a pathway to net-zero : a methodology
- Holy Heat Pumps Webinar, 10/25/23
- Here is the link to the webinar recording on IPL’s YouTube page.
- People of faith are called to heal the earth. One way is to reduce the carbon emissions from our houses of worship and get to net zero by 2030 by:
- changing systems to all electric
- getting electricity from renewable resources
- measure and increase our energy efficiency
- For BUUF, replace HVAC with electric, energy efficient heat pumps