Stay Connected
At Boise Unitarian Universalist Fellowship there are numerous ways to stay connected to events, worship services, special activities and to one another.
BUUF Wednesday Gazette
Sign up here to receive our weekly news bulletin and weekly worship update via email. These are the official email communications from the Boise UU Fellowship Minister and Staff. Stay up to date on upcoming services, letters from the Minister, Board President and more, and learn about activities in our community. Contact Nancy Harms for more information.
Facebook Page
Our church maintains a public Facebook page. Follow us to get information about upcoming events, special messages from the minister, religious exploration program and regarding social justice issues in our community and beyond, and inspirational quotes, images and more. Feel free to share any of our posts with your friends and family. If you would like to have an event featured on our facebook page, please contact the BUUF office.
Facebook Group
A private Facebook Group is a way for members to engage in respectful discussion about worship, share updates with fellow congregants and to share events of interest to our community. The same guidelines exist for this group as for the BUUF bulletin email list, and members are encouraged to participate in respectful, informative and caring ways.
BUUF Bulletin Email List
An email-based tool (hosted on Google Groups) to help us communicate happenings at church and around town. You can share announcements about upcoming activities, Religious Exploration classes, and community members’ special needs requests. Church staff will monitor the group, with guidelines in place to keep it running effectively, and to encourage use by all members and friends of BUUF. Think of it as an informational ‘tweet’ to let folks know the needs and activities of our community. Let folks know about peace rallies, hunger task force activities, chalice group activities, yard parties; the BUUF Bulletin is a tool YOU can use to let all folks know what’s going on in YOUR circle and to invite others into it.
To join, please send a subscription request to Nancy Harms.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How does it work?
Once you’re subscribed, you can send your announcement in an email message to Anyone interested in responding or participating can send replies to the sender.
Will everyone see my email address?
No, the BUUF Office controls the email distribution list and monitors the use. Those who are on the mailing list will receive messages (and see the sender’s address), but the sender does not see the address list of all subscribers.
Am I going to get “spammed”?
No, this is a private group. You will see emails from the sender, addressed to “BUUF-Bulletin” and with a prefix of [BUUF Bulletin] in the subject line. The only email you receive is what others from the BUUF community send out. This is why we ask all to follow the user etiquette guidelines.
Can I tell others about this?
Yes, please do! Just as we ask people to sign up for the BUUF’s newsletters, this is a tool for newcomers to get involved and informed on what’s going on with BUUF. We will invite newcomers to join this list and share with us too, right from the start!
If you have specific questions, please direct them to
We ask that subscribers read the guidelines below and respect them. While there will be a learning curve to use it, the suggestions for etiquette are intended to create a safe, simple and friendly environment. With that, come JOIN us!
The BUUF-Bulletin (BB) is for the express purpose of facilitating general communication among members and friends of the Boise Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (BUUF). This is a great tool to broadcast information about events that are positive, relevant to our daily lives and the mission of the church, such as upcoming peace rallies, vigils, or other social just activities. All members of the Bulletin are welcome to share announcements on upcoming activities, Adult Religious Exploration classes or community member special needs requests.
Use Descriptive Subject Lines
When writing a new message or replying to a message, make sure the subject line describes your message as specifically as possible. “HELP!” is not as effective as “Need a ride to services Sunday.”
Identify Yourself
Your signature should include your name and email address, and should NOT be more than four lines long.
Reply directly to the person who sent the original message – do not “Reply All”
When replying to a message, think of your audience. Do you want to speak with a megaphone, or just face-to-face? When you have a personal response to, or questions about a post, send your message directly to the person who posted the message, rather than a “reply all.” This includes sending commentary on other’s responses, i.e. “Me too!” – unless it is relevant, please refrain from sending it.
What NOT to Post
ABOUT ME: messages that promote a personal or commercial interest, incite debate, or may be construed as a negative attack on a person or group. The email bulletin is intended to inform the congregation and exchange announcements of common interest to the congregation. It is not a forum to solve conflicts or express opinions.
NO FLAMING: “Flaming” means sending messages that are angry, belligerent, sarcastic, accusatory, or just mean (aka Trolling). According to BUUF’s Bylaws, members and friends shall “refrain from conduct injurious to the Fellowship or its purposes.” We are a spiritual community that promotes right relations. If you are tempted to send a “flaming message” – DO NOT. Contact the minister or CCT if you are in conflict with another person on the mailing list.
DO NOT MONOPOLIZE: The mailing list will not be monopolized by a few outspoken individuals. If the same message/content is posted multiple times in a short time frame, the Admin Monitor will remind users of these guidelines or take further action if necessary.
DO NOT POST CHAIN LETTERS or VIRUS MESSAGES: You do not like to receive spam, neither do others.
Remember BUUF’s Guidelines for email use from BUUF’s Committee Resource Handbook (pg. 39-40). In essence, practice respect; be friendly and welcoming to all members, visitors and staff; avoid gossip by speaking directly with church members regarding issues or concerns and do your best to resolve conflict in a positive way.