
Resolutions that are being considered by the Social Justice Council are in Under Consideration. Resolutions that have been passed by a congregational vote are in Passed



These are the social justice statements signed by the Social Justice Council

  • July 7, 2022, Signed the letter by the Friends of Minidoka to Protect the Minidoka Historical Site
  • January 3, 2022, Endorsed the petition to put initiative Idahoans for a Fair Wage on the ballet for November 2022.  We did this because a living wage is fundamental to a functioning democracy as well as a moral imperative. We do this as a part of our work to address the escalating economic inequity in our economic system and to work toward a goal of equitable outcomes of life, dignity and well-being experienced by all.
  • June 27, 2018, This statement was signed by UU’s from Idaho Falls, Pocatello, Twin Falls, Boise and Moscow and delivered to the Idaho congressional delegation. Ratification of the Condemnation of Family Separation at the U.S./Mexico Border