Our Governance
The Boise Unitarian Universalist Fellowship has been a well-functioning and dynamic organization for decades – due to the commitment, skills, and strengths of lay leadership. Our church, like other Unitarian Universalist churches, is governed under the “congregational polity” model, meaning our members make ultimate decisions including the adoption of church bylaws, the election of the Board of Trustees, the adoption of a church budget, and the call of a minister.
As BUUF has grown, we have been revising leadership and organization structure in an effort to better meet the needs of our church and community. Leadership at BUUF is currently a shared responsibility of the elected Board of Trustees, the Minister, and the Staff.
Our work toward a Policy-based Governance model continues. In such a model the Board is responsible for articulating the Mission, Vision, and Ends Statements, creating and implementing policy to guide BUUF operations, and for being stewards of the resources of our fellowship. The Minister and Staff assume responsibility for operations and programs of the church.
An annual Congregational Meeting is held in May of each year to hear reports from the president and other committees, to elect new members to the Board of Trustees, to review and adopt the proposed budget for the next fiscal year, and to conduct any other business specified in the notice of the meeting.