Legacy Giving
Why Legacy Giving?
The planning of a gift is part of the joy, to know that whatever abundance the world has given you will be passed on in ways that you most value. Such gifts perpetuate a future for our families, community, and faith. If Boise UU has been a transforming force in your life, you can be a part of its legacy for future generations.
The Simplest Way
Remember us in your will or living trust.
• Leave us a specific dollar amount, an asset, or a percentage of the residue of your estate.
• Offer future support without giving up assets today.
Name us as a beneficiary of your retirement account.
By naming Boise UU as the beneficiary of your retirement account, neither you and your heirs nor your estate will pay income taxes on the distribution of the retirement account assets, and we can take a tax-free withdrawal of the account balance, making this a simple way to put the full amount of your gift to use.*
*Everyone’s tax situation is different. Please consult your tax professional.
Gifts to Plant the Future
The Unrestricted Gift
• Such gifts will be administered at the discretion of the Board in support of BUUF’s missions, for something of
aspirational and enduring value.
Gifts in Support of Established Reserve Funds
• Endowment Fund, Capital Projects Fund, Potential New Sanctuary Fund or other mission-approved funds.
Gifts in Support of a Mission or Program
• Religious Exploration, Social Justice, Music, Professional Enhancement, or Campus Improvement, or Outdoor Sanctuary.
All such directed gifts are subject to BUUF’s Gift Acceptance Policy
Why Now?
Legacy gifts can go even further with matching funds. The UUA’s “Wake Now Our Vision” program offered a 10% cash match of a legacy gift’s estimated value (up to $10,000 per donor) for new gifts documented by June 2020. (Those challenge grant funds have been completely allocated at this time.)
Learn more about the Wake Now Our Vision program on UUA.org.
Legacy Circle Examples
Jackie Groves’ Gift
Jackie is leading the way in utilizing the UUA’s “Wake Now Our Vision” program which matches immediately funds of new documented gifts at 10% for up to $10,000 through June 2020.
Besse LeBudde’s Gift
Our current Endowment Fund was seeded by the estate of Besse LeBudde.
David & Joe Douglas’ Gift
The unrestricted bequest of David and Joe Douglas benefited our Reserve Fund which has allowed us to purchase more land, supported our mortgage payoff through the Dare to Dream campaign, and supports budget growth in programs and staff.