About Us
The Boise Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (BUUF) is an inclusive, spiritually diverse, justice-seeking, religious community, with one great aim: to help people grow in love for neighbor, love for self, love for our community and the world, and love for the earth. We believe that the holy is known by many names and practices, and we honor each person’s unique religious path.
We like to think of ourselves as the ones who offer more questions than answers; encouraging our people to explore their own truth and meaning supported in beloved community. We know that we’re not the ones who have ‘figured out religion or the nature of God’ (some of us aren’t even certain there is a God). Neither do we possess the secret to life, exclusive access to truth or the only way to find fulfillment. We are, however, powerfully drawn to exploration, spiritual growth, and making love visible in the world.
Ours is a living tradition. One in which we understand that truth is not fixed and that wisdom comes from many sources and teachers. We seek to cultivate a path and a practice in the way of Love. This way is the counter-cultural road of radical hospitality, nonviolent peacemaking, abundant generosity, limitless forgiveness and the transformative power of love.
We welcome you: your whole self, with all your truths and your doubts, your worries and your hopes. Join us on this extraordinary adventure of faith. Get involved!