CAT, Carbon Neutral, 3/21/23

Attending: Cathy Sandstrum, Carol Ogburn, Jim Bigelow


  • Notes from the Feb. 21, 2023 meeting
  • Outdoor Sanctuary
    • replacing trees with other trees that are not sustainable to the fungus attacking our trees
  • Action Item Review
    • Carol Ogburn – get a copy of the energy star workbook
      • has the work book
      • People’s Church of Kalamazoo – goal carbon neutral by 2030
    • Tom von Alten – see if the BUUF’s on-line directory will give us information to calculate the average distance from a BUUF member’s house to BUUF.
      • Done, Tom provided a spreadsheet of addresses, Jim took a random sample of 20 to get the average distance is 6.2 miles
    • Jim Bigelow – contact staff (Rachael Strong & Reverend Sara) about signing BUUF up for the Idaho Power’s Green Energy Program
      • Done, 3/9
      • Rachael will sign up and Carbon Neutral will pay the extra from carbon neutral budget
    • Jim Bigelow – start process of getting window & door upgrades/replacements
      • Done, 3/15 – request for estimate from Atkinson’s Glass, WoodWindows & D&A Glass
      • BUUF Window Upgrades
    • Jim Bigelow – work with Rachael and Nancy to get the information for the Cool Congregations Carbon Footprint Calculator — see checklist
    • John Warren – Resource Efficiency Review, Warm Springs Consulting (WMC)
  • Jim to post cool congregations 5-hints
  • 2023 – 2024 Plate Partner
  • Projects & Goals
    • Green Sanctuary 2030: start process
      1. submitting the  & contacting Rachel Myslivy,1. Congregational Profile
    • Cool Congregations accreditation,
    • Create a baseline carbon footprint assessment using the Cool Congregations carbon footprint calculator
      1. Carbon Footprint Data
      2. 3/2 – John created a footprint, click here to view footprint
    • Climate Action Team
      1. start monthly meetings of the carbon neutral project
        • March 27, 1-2 pm  BUUF
        • April 18, 1-2 BUUF
        • May 16, 1-2, BUUF
    • create a plan to reach a 45% reduction in the carbon footprint of our buildings and grounds by 2030.
      • Track Energy & Carbon Footprint
      • Increase Energy Efficiency
      • Electrify GHG emitting systems
    • switch to 100% clean electricity through Idaho Power’s Green Energy Program at an additional cost of a penny per kWh funded by the Carbon Neutral Project
      1. 3/9 go ahead from Rev. Sara to enroll BUUF in program,
        1. extra costs to be covered by carbon neutral budget
    • Reduce our energy usage by replacing inefficient windows and doors,
      1. 3/11 get agreement on scope of window replacement
      2. 3/15 send request for bid to Atkinson’s Windows, Wood Windows, T&A
      3. BUUF Window Upgrades
    • Start a plan for upgrades and replacements of HVAC systems
      1. First – Get a consultant for professional engineering and installation consultation.
        1. ask for suggests from BUUF Bulletin
        2. follow up with Debbie are there other folks here in town
      2. John Warren w/ Debbie Johnson  on HVAC
      3. 3/10 Jim talked with Intermountain Gas and they can’t offer any help other than usage records
      4. 3/16 Racheal reported to the board that 3 gas furnaces are not working
        1. The Board has asked the Carbon Neutral Team to look at carbon neutral replacements by May 1st
        2. make this #1 priority
        3. Debbie Johnson & John Warren will look for someone to do am engineering study of the BUUF’s HVAC systems
    • Educate the congregation and the community about responding to global warming
      1. Mike Lemieux will remix the special appeal video to remove special appeal inform and keep our project description
        1. cost $100
        2. BUUF Carbon Neutral 2023 Video
        3. Carol will pick 4 prayers for the Earth Prayers
      2. 4/21 12-5 Carbon Neutral booth at Nampa library’s All-Things Green Fair
      3. 4/23 2-5  Carbon Neutral booth at the Interfaith Climate Festival
      4. Prepare to report at the annual meeting on our initial plan to make BUUF carbon neutral.
        • This is due before the May 21st annual meeting.
    • Replace greenhouse gas emitting equipment with electric powered equivalents.
      • on hold
  • Funding
    • Special Appeal
      • The current estimate is $15,300.
    • Chalice Lighters
      • May 1st deadline
    • Board put aside $20,000 for the Out Door Sanctuary
      • investigate landscape design for carbon neutrality/sequestration/water use
        • planting different grasses
        • Ann DeBolt – Carol will call and talk about carbon neutral planning
    • Energy Efficiency Materials Pilot Program grants DOE