Climate Action Team meeting, 1/18/21

Boise Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (BUUF)
Climate Action Team (CAT)

Monday, January 18, 2021 NEW TIME: 7:30-8:30pm
Via Zoom teleconferencing



  1. Chalice Lighting/
    1. Reading:  “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” Martin Luther King Jr.
    2. Attendees:  Claudia Fernsworth, Eileen Geddings, Blanca Gerard, Rick Groff, Gail Hawkins, Betsy Johnson, Dennis Rockwood, Sharon Rockwood, Cathy Sandstrom, Scott Smith, Cornelia Sprung, Tom von Alten, John Warren, Paula Warren.
  2. Updates
    1. “Meatless Monday: A Night in Sorrento,” Monday, December 14 6-8pm: was a lot of fun.  Still waiting to post on BUUF-Bulletin.
  3. Save The Date
    1. Feedbacks Between Terrestrial Ecosystems and Climate Change”  by  Marie-Anne de Graaff, Ph.D.  Saturday, January 23, 2021 10-noon MST via Zoom.  Partnering with Citizens Climate Lobby (CCL)
      Here is the link to register: reserve your FREE ticket at
      1. Current Eventbrite Registration – Over 100 have signed up.  Reminder emails will go out before the event.
    2. Green Sanctuary (GS) Projects – send any updates to  to be included in NOTES of this meeting
      1. LED Project – Cathy has provided an updated report (attached).  Engaging Space Team may take over Santuary lighting questions.  CAT next steps may be to work with David Clopton to recruit 4-6 volunteers to change out lights needing to be replaced.  CAT is forwarding Cathy’s report to Rev. Sara. 
      2. Battery replacement project – Rick will replace microphone and other batteries.  Reopening of the church building probably not until mid-summer. 
    3. Earth Month Planning in 2021:  April 22 (Thursday) – May 16 (Sun) 2021 –
      Ideas So Far
      1. Plant-based food/eating/recipes/tips and tricks, etc.  Sub Team:  Betsy, Claudia, Eileen, John, Paula, Blanca.  Team will get together to discuss ideas for ways to inform those interested in beginning to move toward a vegetarian/vegan diet.  May include John and Paula giving some information about their journey to plant-based eating; sharing recipes in the Earth Month Calendar; sharing info about Project Drawdown #4 solution, etc.  Team will get together and report at next meeting.
      2. Cooking Demo – Chef Michael Alvarado and Rev. Sara offered to do a cooking demo again.  Eileen will contact them about scheduling during Earth Month – “Meatless Monday” during that time. Might include recipes using items folks can grow in their own gardens. 
      3. By-Blocks Project new information from Catherine Chertudi    Claudia will connect and find out status of the Boise pilot project.
      4. Drawdown #1 solution – Refrigerant Management
        1. Local Rotary – Cornelia, Sharon and Dennis met with Fred Reed of the Downtown Rotary to discuss their project to collect R12 -Freon refrigerant (has been phased out but leaked material very damaging to atmosphere). They worked with Tradewater as volunteers to provide collection event.  CAT could promote their next event which might be in April/May timeframe. Opportunity to education about refrigerants.
        2. Republic Waste Management – ask how they deal with issue in Boise;  Scott will follow up and get current status.
        3. Does the new stimulus bill have something about reducing pollution from refrigerants;  VOL?
        4. Reuseum – local business that accepts used appliances/electronics – how do they deal with pollutants? Cathy will contact and get information.
        5. Eileen mentioned that collaborating with other groups is part of the new Green Sanctuary suggestions. Contact Project Drawdown Treasure Valley to collaborate?  VOL ?
        6. Earth Month 2021 Calendar:  Cathy and Scott will work on it.  CAT should send suggested items to them by March meeting.  Sample is attached. 
        7. Climate Change Overview video showing – Gail suggested that an overview of the current climate issues (Arctic, insects, etc.) would be helpful.  Ideas: Mind, Life Institute video; with the Dalai Lama and Greta Thunberg which featured Climate Emergency Feedback Loops videos series; David Attenborough’s film – A Life on Our Planet.  CAT tries to provide accurate, clear, science based information.  Personal stories and actions help motivate.
    1. Book Group – Rick proposed CAT have a book group – either just for Earth Month or perhaps regularly.  He’ll research some books (Sharon will send CCL’s book group lists from 2019). 
    2. Google Docs – Sharon will follow up.
    3. Meeting Time Change discussion – it was decided to move the meeting to 7:30pm for a few months and see how that effects attendance.  Please send any thoughts or suggestions to Dennis at  Thanks for your flexibility!
    4. CAT webpage progress – Sharon/Tom – moving forward.

    February 15 at 7:30-8:30pm (Monday)

    March 15 at 7:30-8:30pm (Monday)

    1.  Ideas – NOT TO FORGET – updated 9/21/2020


    a.  Start a book group – could be books, tapes, videos, etc.

    b.  Share sustainably raised meat/produce

    Plants and Air

    Healthful indoor plants

    plant trees and native plants – Jessica suggested looking at Compassion Tree Project

    demo pollinator information/beekeeping

    raised bed gardening


    Farmers Union Canal/Boise City on water contamination

    Water wise plants and landscape design

    Soil/Sustainable Agriculture

    Dirt to soil (preservation of topsoil)

    USDA presenter on current issues in corporate agriculture in Idaho

    Mining issues

    Rev. Sara has a BSU Soil scientist contact she could reach out to


    Reduce single use plastics/extend existing plastic life before recycling (Claudia)

    Climate Change

    Pizza and Poster party to produce signs for rallies, action events

    CCL En-ROADS Policy Solutions Simulator workshop (60-90 min)

    Letter Writing campaign for specific local issues

    Advent Calendar for Climate Change: could be digital, could include all of our scheduled events

    Resource table with static display of various issues, brochures, sign-ups etc.

    2.  Another Idea: 

    take the Project Drawdown Solution (below); find presenter, film, source to discuss; scale to individual or BUUF action; perhaps have follow-up discussion on results.

    Drawdown Top Ten Solutions To Reverse Climate Change

    1.  Refrigerant Management

    2.  Wind Turbines (Onshore)

    3.  Reduced Food Waste

    4.  Adoption of a Plant-Rich Diet

    5.  Tropical Forest Restoration

    6.  Educating Girls

    7.  Family Planning

    8.  Solar Farms

    9.  Silvopasture (forest grazing)

    10. Rooftop Solar