Boise Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (BUUF) Climate Action Team (CAT)
Monday, February 15, 2021 NEW TIME: 7:30-8:30pm Via Zoom teleconferencing
Chalice Lighting/Reading
I pledge allegiance
To the Earth of our Beloved Solar System
And to all of her Creatures, for here they dwell,
One Planet, United in Harmony
With Universal Love and Compassion for All.
- Attendees: Claudia Fernsworth, Eileen Geddings, Blanca Gerard, Rick Groff, Bob Huntley, Betsy Johnson, Jane Rohling, Dennis and Sharon Rockwood, Cathy Sandstrom, Scott Smith, Tom von Alten, John and Paula Warren
- Updates
- “Feedbacks Between Terrestrial Ecosystems and Climate Change” by Marie-Anne de Graaff, Ph.D. Saturday, January 23, 2021. recording posted here
- Green Sanctuary (GS) Projects – send any updates to to be included in NOTES of this meeting
Earth Month Planning in 2021: April 22 (Thursday) – May 16 (Sun) – Ideas So Far (Food/Plastics/Refrigerants/Climate Crisis Overview)
- “Where’s The Beef: The Road to a Plant-Based Diet” Sub Team: Betsy, Claudia, Eileen, John, Paula, Blanca. To include Meatless Monday – Cooking Demo – Chef Michael Alvarado and Rev. Sara. Eileen will contact them about scheduling.
Draft Plan 2/5/21
“Where’s The Beef: The Road to a Plant-Based Diet”
Have you thought about reducing animal protein from your diet? Or perhaps you already eat less meat-based food but want to go all the way to a totally plant-based diet?
There are a lot of reasons why you might want to consider moving in this direction. With so many folks experiencing food sensitivities, moving away from meat and processed foods makes good sense for them. Reducing the more expensive animal and dairy foods and adding more filling beans, vegetables and fruits also makes good fiscal sense for your budget. And here’s a chance to make a local impact on climate change. According to Drawdown, the Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming, edited by Paul Hawken “…(the) Western diet comes with a steep climate price tag. The most conservative estimates suggest that raising livestock accounts for nearly 15% of global greenhouse gases emitted each year…If cattle were their own nation, they would be the world’s third-largest emitter of greenhouse gases”. That is a stunner and one that most of us don’t think about.
For Earth Month 2021, we are presenting a 3-part series on learning more about a plant-based diet. We have some very experienced guides to help us in this adventure. John and Paula Warren have embraced a full plant-based diet for ____ years. It didn’t happen overnight and it wasn’t always easy, so they are going to share their story and their wisdom with us for our first presentation on _____ at ____. The second event, will be a follow up with the Warrens offering an opportunity for more in depth questions and many tips and tricks and resources. This will be held on _____ at _____. And we’ll conclude with another plant-based cooking adventure with Michael Alvarado and Reverend Sara complete with recipes and an ingredient list so you can make this meal at home. All events will be on Zoom. See the BUUF Weekly Bulletin for the links.
Please join us to learn more about this important topic and plan your own journey.
- By-Blocks Project by ByFusion new information from Catherine Chertudi – Claudia will research
- Drawdown #1 solution – Refrigerant Management
- Local Rotary project to collect R12-Freon refrigerant – waiting to hear back from Fred Reed of the Downtown Rotary – Sharon
- Republic Waste Management – ask how they deal with issue in Boise – Scott has a report which could be a “Did You Know?” article for an issue of Weds. Gazette. He’ll send to Eileen/Sharon
- Does the new stimulus bill have something about reducing pollution from refrigerants; John will follow up and see what he can find. Another “Did You Know?” item for Weds. Gazette
- Reuseum – local business that accepts used appliances/electronics – how do they deal with pollutants? – Cathy will write up a couple of paragraphs and it can be a “Did You Know?” item
- Earth Month 2021 Calendar: Cathy and Scott. CAT should send suggested items to them by March meeting.
5. Climate Change Overview – Sharon connected with Ty Benoit (Climate Reality Project trained Presenter) who spoke at last year’s Earth Month. She offered to lead a discussion of a video or to present an overview of current climate “realities” on a positive, hopeful and fearless track.” Sharon will follow up with Ty.
6. Sharon has received permission from the producers (Mind, Life Institute video; with the Dalai Lama and Greta Thunberg) to screen the Climate Emergency Feedback Loops videos as they are open to anyone on their webside. Sharon feels that there would need to be a discussion leader, that one or two (13min ea) would be “enough,” an action would need to be part of the discussion. World Wildlife Fund produced David Attenborough’s film – A Life on Our Planet– no response to inquiry yet.
7. Interfaith Power and Light (IPL) – Sharon (Oops, I forgot to report)
- IPL has a kit of materials around food theme: “Sacred Ground: Cultivating Connections Between our Faith, our Food, and the Climate.” And the DVD “Kiss the Ground” (it comes with screening rights). I have ordered both.
- The “food” theme fits with the Plant-Based Diet events already being planned.
- I’ve connected with a CCL friend at C.A.B.I (Congregation Ahavath Beth Israel (CABI) here in Boise, who mentioned their Environmental Group was considering becoming the Idaho liaison to IPL. Perhaps they are planning something we might participate in. We’ll see.
- Need Volunteers to look through the materials and decide what we can use and how we might want to screen “Kiss the Ground.”
8. Citizens Climate Lobby Boise Chapter is available to provide a discussion of the updates to the Carbon Fee and Dividend solution they propose in the new Congress and new Admistration. A new bill will be introduced sometime in late Spring.
Other Earth Month Ideas…
- Eileen mentioned that collaborating with other groups is part of the new Green Sanctuary suggestions. Contact Project Drawdown Treasure Valley to collaborate? Volunteer?
- Jane suggested Waterwise Landscaping Workshops (would include firewise, wildlife friendly and pollinator friendly). She’ll be organizing with the help of Native Plant society and others and will provide links to dates, etc. Perhaps it can be part of the BUUF Outdoor sanctuary plan to transform a small part of property along these themes. Needs to be brought to the Outdoor Sanctuary team for review this year to be implemented next year.
- Book/Article Discussion – Rick asked for suggestions of articles/books on Climate Change and offered to facilitate a one-time discussion at the end of Earth Month. Send suggestions to him.
- Meeting Time Change – we’ll meet at 7:30 again next month.
CAT webpage progress–– Sharon/Tom- here’s the link to the CAT Webpage under Justice/Social Justice/Climate Action Team Take a look, suggestions are welcome. Plan is to have info on events be on separate pages and not on the main page. Moving forward thanks to Tom and Jim Bigelow who helped move this along until his computer went to the shop.
March 15 at 7:30-8:30pm (Monday)
April 19 at 7:30-8:30pm (Monday)