Social Justice Council, 10/5/22

Date/time/location:  Oct. 5, 2022, 6:30PM, North Classroom of BUUF

attending: Mark Bussolinni, Jim Bigelow, Don Stepich, Timothy (ministry intern)



  • September Meeting Notes
  • Social Justice Resolutions
  • Social Justice Fund
  • BUUF Social Justice
    • Report to the Board, Sept 15, 2022
    • Projects for this year
      • Building a Pro-choice faith Coalition, Reverend Sara
      • Fall Social Justice Resolutions
        • Supporting Reproductive Justice
        • Saving the Salmon by Breaching the Four Lower Snake River Dams
      • Racial Justice Ministry bi-weekly meetings, 2 programs with speakers: October Indigenous People’s day and December, Black Music
      • Support the Climate Action Team in finding new leadership, propose the goal of making BUUF carbon neutral.
      • Be a source for justice and Liberal Democracy ideals in the community by investing in public media, such as PSAs, to increase our public promotion of justice and compassion in our focus areas. 
      • Continuing and sustaining our work for justice for refugees, immigrants and asylum seekers
      • LGBTQ Community support – focus on trans youth & families
    • long term projects
      • BUUF Reproductive rights
        • Timothy — is there a need to have a refresher on reproductive rights and logistics?
          • Mark – a short (15min) discussion after a service perhaps once a month or more as needed.
        • will act a resource for questions
      • BUUF carbon neutral — Mark’s interested
      • Plan to make BUUF power independent and a cooling center over a course of ten or more years. Work with other organizations and the city to establish cooling centers throughout the city and county.
  • Plate Partners
  • Round Table-
    • Mark – take off interfaith sanctuary for  social justice
      • we need to members in the social justice council
      • getting running shoes and water bottles for Interfaith Sanctuary
      • Getting books  from the Friends of the Boise Library who get $5K donated a month — given to Ronald McDonald House and various charity shelter, Idaho prisons, and  Boise senior center.
    • Don — 2 programs coming up
  • Next meeting
    • Nov 9th by zoom to finalize the fall resolutions, etc.