Time: 6 – 7:30 pm
Attending: Mark Bussolini, Dennis and Sharon Rockwood, Betty Van Gehluwe, Don Stepich, Jim Bigelow,
- Check in
- Sharon & Dennis — Completed cancer surgery, good news.
- Betty — going to canyonlands & Arches
- Mark – things starting to get to normal and saw grandkids
- Don – had second shot, walking for Friday, covid freedom day
- Jim – had second shots March 1
- Plate Partners
- 2021 – 2022
- spreadsheet of nominees: 2021-2022 plate partner nominations
- When to close the nominations? — Let’s closed at the end of April and set the slate of nominees at the May meeting
- Shall we add some ourselves from the list below?
- Review of plate partners presented for voting 2020 & 2019
- 2020 Nominees by vote total
- Planned Parenthood 56
- Jesse Tree 50
- CATCH 61
- Citizen’s Climate Lobby, Boise Chapter 45
- Living Independence Network Corporation (LINC) 39
- ACLU Idaho 38
- Idaho Foodbank 36
- Life’s Kitchen 32
- Giraffe Laugh Daycare Center 29
- Learning Lab 20
- =====================
- Idaho Center for Fiscal Policy 19
- Drawdown Boise 18
- Create Common Good 16
- Intermountain Bird Observatory 15
- Family Advocates 14
- Idaho Voices for Children 14
- The Boise Hive 12
- The Interfaith Alliance of Idaho 10
- Boise Choruses 9
- Dae Lou Foundation 1
- 2019 Nomination groups chosen after discussion:
- 1. Idaho Mothers against drunk driving
- 2. Family Advocates/CASA
3. JEMfriends- 4. Giraffe Laugh
- 5. Interfaith Sanctuary
- 6. Leaning Lab
- 7. Immigrant Justice Idaho
- 8. The Garden City Public Library Foundation
- 9. Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline
- 10. Tidwell Social Services and Consulting Inc
- 11. Global Gardens
- 12. Women’s and Children’s Alliance
- 13. CATCH
- 14. El-Ada Community Action
- 15. Planned Parenthood of Treasure Valley
- 16. The Community Center
- 17. Idaho Black History Museum
- 18. Citizen’s Climate Lobby
- 19. Intertribal Native Council
- 20. GRUB
- 2020 Nominees by vote total
- 2021 – 2022
- Roundtable:
- building relations with Indigenous people
- 3 session workshop
- goal was to begin the work of exploring ways to deepen right relations with indigenous communities in the furtherance of our commitment to dismantling white supremacy.
- approx 30 attendee over one 1.5 hour and two 3 hour session.
- well received by attendees
- building relations with Ed Keener.
- There is an open invitation to a continuing effort to determine what does it look like to be in right relations with indigenous communities? What are the aspects of our white privilege that are unique with respect to indigenous communities apart from communities of people of color? What happened and why in the course of 400 hundred years of European/Indigenous interactions in North America and in the last 200 here in the Boise valley, once called the Peace Valley?
- Reading An Indigenous People’s History of the United States by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz is a necessary start for the work.
- Mark has a loaner copy
- Can we assemble of history of the US that includes that of all the people who have been left out?
- Jim B. will be hosting a meeting in late April to start a BUUF ministry.
- 3 session workshop
- racial justice
- Wednesday morning coffee circle.
- climate action team
- Earth Month — it’s coming! Kickoff on April 18th Service through end of the week of May 16th,
- showing a movie about reg ag and discuss
- climate justice for communities impacted by pollution
- CCL to talk about Biden Admin Climate Action Bill
- Meatless Monday cooling demo
- eating light on the earth
- month long calendar of activities and possible actions
- resource links
- launching the climate action web page: boiseuu.org/justice/climate-action-team
- earth month kit in the Annual Giving Drive gift bag
- Introducing “Climate Crisis” and how to respond
- Earth Month — it’s coming! Kickoff on April 18th Service through end of the week of May 16th,
- economic justice
- warming shelter at the down town site is closed
- expanded the food delivery to include BUUF Food Panty and an Ecumenical Group and Monday food at Rhodes Park as well as the Interfaith Sanctuary,
- Helping Jody with the move of the Interfaith Sanctuary to the old Salvation Army facility
- refugee & asylum seekers
- able to support the asylee couple in Boise to help them with community resources and connections. Hopefully found help for the source of some of their difficulties
- Asylum seeker program — Rumel is doing great, At the 6 month milestone. Hearing is July 6th — see the BUUF President’s email recap.
- other
- building relations with Indigenous people
- Next meeting: May 4th