Time: 6pm – 7:30Connection InformationJoin Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/89479036119?pwd=Y3VlNm4zWlhYV0pzYlRQYmFwajFjZz09
Meeting ID: 894 7903 6119, Passcode: chalice
Attending: Dennis & Sharon Rockwood, Mark Bussolini, Don Stepich, Marni Odermann, Jax Perez, Betty Van Gheluwe, Jim Bigelow
- Check in
- Plate Partners
- 2020 – 2021
- June – Giraffe Laugh – Betty
- July – Idaho Food Bank – Mark
- August – Jesse Tree – Marni
- 2021 – 2022
- Reviewing and Selecting the Slate of Nominated Organizations:
- Nominations document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qjxnk_KQaFQCIdITFDPq2xjPunTrv_5fQcW4eHbYj9U/edit?usp=sharing
- how many nominees to be presented.
- decided to present all 19 nominees for voting by the congregation and then pick the top 8 based on the number of votes received.
- Voting
- the nominees will be presented at the Annual meeting
- Jim will create a google form for the voting after the meeting
- Rev Sara and Nancy will handle advertising the voting
- After the votes are tallied the Social Justice Council will review the selected organizations with respect to the Social Justice Categories (below) and choose 2 organization to complete the roster of 10 plate partners
- do this during the June meeting on June 1.
- Social Justice Categories
- Which category (shown below) covers sexual & domestic violence? Add a new category
- Revisited Social Justice Categories
- racial justice & criminal justice reform
- environmental justice
- reproductive justice & health care
- gender issues/justice
- economic justice
- refugee and immigrant justice
- children, families and youth empowerment
- LGBTQ+ justice
- Against Sexual and Domestic Violence
- Reviewing and Selecting the Slate of Nominated Organizations:
- 2020 – 2021
- Round Table
- Indigenous
- Held a meeting on April 28 to continue the work of the March workshop: Toward Indigenous Right Relations.
- will continue meeting, next meeting May 18
- will be part of the racial justice ministry and work with Kessler-Keener and Anti-Bias working group
- Suggested reading: Indigenous People’s History of the United States
- Held a meeting on April 28 to continue the work of the March workshop: Toward Indigenous Right Relations.
- Racial –
- started thinking about programming for the fall, video/discussion format, move to in-person as covid eases
- trying something different about the video of the month w/ a 5/24 open discussion of the documentary.
- Climate — plant based diet — Earth Month
- Immigrant/Refugee/Asylum
- working w/ lawyer for asylum hearing
- Economic
- Mark – shift from Interfaith Sanctuary to Corpus Christi who can use the food. Carol Bevington cooking twice a month Also including the BUUF Food Pantry. Mark’s
- Jax (they/them)- Will be doing the social media for BUUF — see them for information to be broadcast. Works for Intermountain fair house council, look there to see their work.
- Indigenous
- June 1 next meeting —
- review voting and pick 2 plate partners