The Board of Directors is the primary decision-making body for BUUF and represents the congregation. The Board consists of a president, vice-president, past president, secretary, treasurer, and four at-large directors.

The Board is responsible for ensuring BUUF is operating in line with its Mission, Vision, and Ends Statements. The Board establishes policies, makes choices about goals and strategies, and decides who will be responsible for implementing them –  and is ultimately responsible for seeing that the congregation’s money, property, and people are kept safe and that the congregation lives in harmony with its own values.

The Board meets at least once per month, per BUUF bylaws. Board meetings are open to members and friends (with the exception of executive sessions).

Members and friends are welcome to send messages to the Board via the Board secretary and/or President.The 2023 – 2024 BUUF Board

President – Jan Salisbury –

Vice President – Rob Ham –

Treasurer – Steve Aycock –

Secretary – Debra Smith –

Past President – Debbie Johnson

Directors – Jenna Raino, Francis Kilkenny, Susie Hardy, Julia Pope,

Board Covenant

As members of the Board of Directors of the Boise Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, we covenant to keep the best interests of the congregation at heart, for this moment, and for its future congregants. As stewards of the resources of our fellowship, we will conduct ourselves in an ethical and conscientious manner.

We will embrace and share our experience, wisdom, creativity, and gifts in carrying out this work with grace and passion. We will be honest and realistic in our expectations and commitments, both individually and collectively.  We will strive to accept and forgive our failures.  As part of a faith community, we will seek to minister to one another, sharing our joys, sorrows, successes, and struggles.

We will honor the diverse personalities, knowledge, skills, and abilities of our members by working to create an environment in which all are heard and respected.  We will create a space where each of us is safe to speak in an atmosphere of mutual purpose and respect.  We will maintain a culture of integrity by holding one another accountable for our commitments, while honoring our policy-based governance model of leadership.

In this spirit, we covenant to further the vision, mission, and ends of the congregation as we strive to uphold the principles and purposes of our faith.

We will honor this covenant by:

  • Faithfully attending and being fully engaged in board meetings
  • Being prompt, prepared, focused, and willing to share the work
  • Actively listening to one another and participating in discussions
  • Maintaining open minds willing to change
  • Accomplishing tasks as needed in addition to meetings
  • Speaking with one voice through our adopted policies
  • Searching for solutions, not perfection
  • Celebrating each other’s strengths and expressing gratitude for each other
  • Offering support and forgiveness when life interrupts our best plans

Paraphrasing the words of the children’s recessional in our Sunday worship life, 

May our minds be open to new learning, 

May our lips bring truth into the world,

May our hearts know love,

And our hands do the work of justice,

As we go our way in peace.