CAT, Carbon Neutral, 4/18/23

Date/Time/Place: 4/16/23, 1 pm, North wing of BUUF

Attending: John O’Connor, Cathy Sandstrom, John Warren, Amy Taivalkoski, Carol Ogburn, Tom Neale, Jim Bigelow


  • March meeting notes
  • Image a Carbon Neutral World Special Appeal
    • Received: $15,200
    • Expenses
      • $100  – project video editing
    • Allocated but not spent
      • $400 – $500 extra expense of Idaho Green Power program for this year.
      • $5,400 – HVAC engineering report  by Musgrove Engineering
  • BUUF Carbon Footprint
    • BUUF Footprint — 33.26 mt/yr of CO2
      • 2030 45% reduction goal = 18.29%
      • eliminate all GHG from Natural Gas HVAC
        • result –  carbon footprint of 7 mt/yr
      • 8 HVAC units , replace 6 units to meet 2030 goal
      • HVAC Feasibility Study by Musgrove Engineering
        • cost $5,400.00
        • cost and types of non GHG emitting replacement
          • replacement with a heat pump and electric furnace would be in the $ 20K-$25K per unit.  =  $160,000 – $200,000
    • Transportation Footprint
    • Member Household Footprint
  • Reducing BUUF Carbon Footprint
    • 100% renewable electricity – done
    • HVAC systems – High Priority
      • BUUF Carbon Footprint – a report to the Board
      • 2030 45% reduction goal = 18.29%
      • eliminate all GHG from Natural Gas HVAC
        • result –  carbon footprint of 7 mt/yr
      • 8 HVAC units , replace 6 units to meet 2030 goal
      • HVAC Feasibility Study by Musgrove Engineering
        • follow up: Can we get energy audit
        • cost $5,400.00
        • cost and types of non GHG emitting replacement
          • replacement with a heat pump and electric furnace would be in the $ 20K-$25K per unit.  =  $160,000 – $200,000
    • Replace greenhouse gas emitting equipment with electric powered equivalents
      • low priority
  • Energy Efficiency
    • pursue this Can we get an energy audit to balance the window replacement
    • Energy Star & Energy Star Portfolio
    • Window Upgrades
      • BUUF Window Upgrades, replacing 52 windows
      • 3 Bids — ballpark estimate $100,000 to replace all windows
        • 4/11 – Atkinson’s Mirror & Glass  (54): 99,736.00, $1,846,96/window
        • 4/12 – Wood Windows, Inc (47 windows): 76,742.00,  roughly 1,630/window
        • 4/13 – D&A Co. (12 windows): 24,434.40, 2,036.2/window
      • Asked Wood Windows for quote for office windows – We can afford to do those using funds from special appeal.
    • Other methods to investigate
      • insulation
      • weather stripping
      • Doors
    • Comprehensive Energy Audit
      • Amy will look for someone
  • Outdoor Sanctuary
    • Investigate landscape design for carbon neutrality/sequestration/water use
      • Carol – Ann DeBolt
        • not interested – dead end
      • John O. – talk to County Extension (Susan) & Idaho Botanical Garden
        • pursue?
      • pruning the grove for improve the health of trees.
      • Carol – start a second grove in the grove to replace overtime with native trees.
      • Carol will look for a
  • Green Sanctuary 2030
    • Cathy Sandstrom attended monthly meeting
    • Congregational Profile
    • Submit  profile by contacting Rachel Myslivy,
  • Education
    • Idaho Interfaith Power and Light – monthly meeting attended by Jim
    • BUUF Carbon Neutral 2023 Video
    • Carbon Neutral Booth
      • 4/21 12-5 Carbon Neutral booth at Nampa library’s All-Things Green Fair
      • 4/23 2-5  Carbon Neutral booth at the Interfaith Climate Festival
        • Carol will pick 4 prayers for the Earth Prayers
    • Report at May 21st Congregational Meeting
  • Funding Sources
    • Funds from Inflation Reduction Act
    • Chalice Lighter Grant – Jim
      • insulated shades & window
    • other?
  • Meeting
    • May 16, 1-2 BUUF
      • schedule meetings