Date/Time/Place: 5/16/23, 1 pm, North wing of BUUF
Attending: Jim Bigelow, John O’Connor, Amy Taivalkoski, Cathy Sandstrom, Carol Ogburn, Claudia Fernsworth, Nancy Sopwith
- April Meeting, 4/16/23 Notes
- logo
- can we have sticker for our name tag?
- on the BUUF website’s front page
- on a Pin/ribbon for BUUF nametags
- Carbon Footprints Reductions
- See BUUF Carbon Footprint for a detailed discussion
- Is there are need for a discussion of electricity vs Natural Gas in the Annual Meeting?
- one slide about Idaho Power’s Green Power program
- BUUF & Grounds
- BUUF 2019 Footprint: 32.25 mt/yr of CO2e
- 2030 Goal: 14.97 mt/yr or less
- HVAC engineering study by Musgrove Engineering is underway
- 6 or 8 units need to be replaced could meet our goal, it’s expensive
- landscaping plan
- Please see: Tom Neale’s Plan for the West side of the Sanctuary and discussion
- what are the objectives?
- can we reduce maintenance, etc. and increase carbon capture?
- send url to Carol & Nancy
- Travel to BUUF
- 2019 Footprint: 19.6 mt/yr
- based on 250 weekly visits
- average trip is 6.5 miles
- 2 people/trip
- 2030 Goal: 8.8 mt/yr — Reached this in 2020 and 2021
- Collecting information for 2022
- 2019 Footprint: 19.6 mt/yr
- Household of BUUF members & friends
- 300+ individual households with their own footprint
- How do we measure this for 2019 and as we go along?
- 2030 Goal: ?
- How do get a 45% reduction, education or reduction campaign?
- 300+ individual households with their own footprint
- Education: Presentations
- Annual Meeting
- Becoming a Carbon Neutral Congregation
- what to say about the outdoor sanctuary?
- weighing maintenance & aesthetics & carbon capture
- 4/21/23 Nampa Library Sustainability Fair
- 4/23/23 Interfaith Climate Festival
- Expenses for Carbon Neutral Presentations
- $80.86 – requested reimbursement
- $11.19 – Presentation Poster Board
- Board – $8.47
- display graphics printing – 17 pages @ $0.16 = $2.72
- $4.00 – 4/21/23, Nampa Library
- parking – $4.00
- $65.67 – 4/23/23 Interfaith Climate Festival
- donated refreshments – $65.67
- Passed by voice vote
- $11.19 – Presentation Poster Board
- $80.86 – requested reimbursement
- Annual Meeting
- Energy Efficiencies
- Looking for an in-depth audit – Amy Taivalkoski
- 75% grant fro Idaho Power for someone to do an audit.
- this is important after switch to electricity
- ask Musgrove for an auditor recommendation
- 75% grant fro Idaho Power for someone to do an audit.
- Window replacement proposal and other energy efficiency measures on hold
- Looking for an in-depth audit – Amy Taivalkoski
- Landscaping
- John is still working to connect to Susan
- low maintenance
- carbon sequestering recommendations
- have a meeting with John, Jolene, Carol,
- John is still working to connect to Susan
- Funding Sources
- Funds from Inflation Reduction Act – May 17th webinar
- 30% direct pay options & UUA funding options
- Chalice Lighter Grant/loans – Jim
- other?
- Funds from Inflation Reduction Act – May 17th webinar
- Meetings
- schedule meetings: June 27, September 19
- No meeting July 18 or August 15