Date/time/place: 6/27/23, 1pm, North wing of BUUF.
attending: Carol Ogburn, Cathy Sandstrom, John O’Connor, Jim Bigelow
- May Meeting Notes
- Climate Action Update: 5/29/23
- Carbon Footprint Reductions
- Please see BUUF’s Carbon Footprint
- Building & Grounds Footprint
- Current Footprint: 30.77,
- reduced from 2019’s 32.26 by switching to 100% clean electricity, 5/1/2023
- 2030 target footprint: 14.97 mt/yr of CO2e
- Report: HVAC replacement update – Jim
- goal replace all greenhouse gas (GHG) emitting HVAC units
- planned result : footprint of 7 mt/yr CO2e
- See BUUF Non-GHG HVAC Project for details
- Report: New landscape design for front & increasing carbon capture – Carol & John
- Estimate of 2023 Carbon Capture: 8.57 mt/yr of CO2e
- Goal:
- have the outdoor sanctuary a calm, soothing and restorative place
- taking inspiration from Japanese gardens/forest bathing
- accounting for our the high desert riparian environment
- Plant List for Riparian Enhancement from the Boise River Enhancement Network.
- Tom Neale’s landscaping plan for the West side of BUUF
- have the outdoor sanctuary a calm, soothing and restorative place
- Johan & Carol met with Susan Bell from Extension office
- discuss what to do for less water, less maintenance
- Susan said lots good things we have
- We need need time & labor follow here suggestions to improve the grounds
- Carol
- categorizing our plants based on water requirements
- plan to create water zones and move the plants that fit the into the correct zone
- John – goal a working, hands off irrigation system
- not going to happen this year
- hard to get the expertise necessary for our system to work
- Hoping that the person identified can help get the sand filter etc working correctly
- looking ahead
- would like to have a tree survey to improve tree management
- spend an afternoon, numbering, measuring and typing each tree
- this would give a more accurate carbon sequestration value
- would like to have a tree survey to improve tree management
- Current Footprint: 30.77,
- Travel to BUUF Footprint , 7.3 mt/yr of CO2e
- 2019 footprint: 15.8 mt/yr CO2e
- 2030 goal: 7.11 mt/yr CO2e
- 2023 estimated footprint: 7.3 mt/yr of CO2e
- Approaching the 2030 goal because of approx 40% remote service attendance
- Looking a head
- BUUF can support a larger footprint by reducing the building’s footprint
- Please see Transportation Footprint: The carbon footprint of travel to BUUF for details.
- BUUF Households
- Logo Discussion:
- how can we get in on the home page?
- Jim – follow up this over the summer
- stickers
- Vista print stickers: 24 for approx $12
- Carol – get 24 1.5×1.5 and see how it goes.
- useful, as a conscience raising
- jim will order 24
- Carol will look for local printing
- how can we get in on the home page?
- Discussion: How to proceed to support and encourage BUUF households to measure & reduce their carbon footprint considering:
- the dread and anxiety felt by young people and fueled by the looming climate crisis;
- the doomerism that feeds apathy, even indifference, about the future and what it holds; and
- the belief, still present and still potent, that something can and must be done.
- Logo Discussion:
- Presentations/tables
- September17th BUUF volunteer fair
- Funds and Funding
- 2023 Special Appeal – report, Jim
- IRA, UUA, Interfaith Power & Light –
- is it the responsibility of the BUUF Board to understand and access these?
- Meetings
- schedule meetings: August 22 @11:30, September 19
- No meeting July 18