Social Justice Council, 1/11/23

Attending: Linda Secretan, Mark Bussolini, Cathy Sandstrom, Diana Borrero-lowe, Jim Bigelow

Agenda & Notes:

  • December 7th meeting
  • Reschedule Feb. Meeting from 1st to 8th
    • passed by voice
  • Racial Justice Ministry
    • donating funds to support the Black Community Alliance /Gospel Workshop for Black History Month
    • grant $250 & $250 for scholarships  – $500
    • Take this out of the $3200 reserved for the program Jan – May.
  • Social Justice Resolutions
  • Plate Partners
    • February –  Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of the Duck Valley Indian Reservation Rick Groff  — Jim to Follow up
      • Duck Valley Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of the Duck Valley, P.O. Box 219, Owyhee, Nevada, 89832.
    • March – Boise Period Project, Jim
    • April – Citizen’s Climate Lobby – Tentative Sharon R./Jim
  • Carbon Neutral BUUF
    • 2023 Special Appeal – Imagining a Carbon Neutral World with Green Sanctuary 2030
      • Requesting $1,500 to support the appeal
        • $1,000 from the 2022 Special Appeal
        • $500 from the Social Justice Council budget
        • passed by voice vote
      • Appeal submitted Jan 4
      • See application here
    • Organizational meeting, Jan 31, 10 am, at BUUF
  • Reproductive Justice in the Post-Roe World
    • Reproductive Justice Ministry
    • has $5,000 from the 2022 Special Appeal
      • free contraceptives,
  • Rapid Response to Idaho Legislative Hearings
    • taking names of people who will speak at a hearing with short notice
  • Duck Valley Winter Coats & Gloves – $869
    • 11//17/22 $600 Pledged
      • $300 from the Social Justice Council Budget
      • $300 from the 2022 Social Justice Special Appeal
        • $150 from the RJM allocation of $6,000 (see above)
        • $150 from the unallocated funds.
    • Total Expenses: $869
      • $584 expenses for coats delivered
        • $300 – paid from Social Justice Council Budget
        • $150 – paid from Racial Justice Ministry allocation of $6,000
        • $134 – paid from the 2022 Social Justice Special Appeal.
      • $285 expenses for children’s gloves
        • $200 – paid from the 2022 Social Justice Special Appeal
        • $85 – personal donations
  • 2022 Special Appeal Social Justice Fund
    • Total in 2022 Social Justice Special Appeal:  $12,915
    • $6,000, Racial Justice Ministry
      • $802.61 total, July 9, 022 field trip to Four Rivers Cultural Center
        • $602.61 for catered lunch
          • $512 – lunch
          • $65.51 – table cloths & cups, ice
          • $34    – drinks for lunch
          • $20   – fee for pavilion at lunch
        • $200 donation to the Four Rivers Cultural Center.
      • $400 total, October program (indigenous Peoples’ Day)
        • $150 for speaker honorarium;
        • $200 donation;
        • $50 to Debbie Foster for tech support
      • $699.85 total, December 5th program (Black music)
        • $400 for speaker honorarium;
        • $200 to Mike Lemieux for tech support;
        • $60  to Racheal Strong for tech & design services
        • $39.85 to Sue Philly for refreshments for the planned “watch party.
      • $150, Winter clothing for for Duck Valley Shoshone-Paiute Tribes
        • See Duck Valley Coats below for breakdown of costs and funds
      • $490, Feb 11, 2023 Gospel Music Workshop
        • $250 Donation to Idaho Black Community Alliance
        • $240, Reserved funds for 6 scholarships at $40 each
      • $3,457.54, reserved for programs in January, February, April and May.
        • Specific program plans are TBD.
        • Estimate assumes an “outside expert” format for these programs.
    • $5,000, Reproductive Justice 
    • $500, CAT & Interfaith Power & Light
    • $334, Duck Valley Winter Coats & Gloves
      • $134 – coats
      • $200 – gloves
    • $1,000 Carbon Neutral
    • $81, balance
  • 2022 – 2023 Social Justice Budget
    • $1,000
      • $300 – Duck Valley Winter Coats
      • $500 – Carbon Neutral
      • $150 – Registration fee for Idaho Conference on Refugee
      • $50 – balance
  • Round Table
    • Refugees – Cathy & Diana
      • Feb 4: refugee 101 class by Glocal for people supporting refugee –
        • on-line registration & child care
        • Sat, Feb 4,  10 – 12
      • Feb 23-24: Annual conference on Refugees by Idaho Office of Refugees
        • scholarship $120 (early bird), $150  from Social Justice funds.
      • should we revisit Glocal as a plate partner?
      • very successful holiday gift drive, $800 for housing program Avenues for Hope, and $600 for gifts and gift cards.
    • RJM – Linda
      • very successful with the Black Music program
      • also the weekly RJM coffee meet up
      • working of other programs more info in the future
      • when thinking about doing something for the people in Duck Valley — best to wait for them to ask.
    • Mark
      • books – 75 boxes / month Friends of the Boise Library
      • Went to the Brown -like -me Kwanzaa celebration in Nampa.  Wonderful, warm, program, Should make it a yearly occasion.
      • 200 pairs of running shoes passed out
      • still getting winter gear
        • Next year:  a dual purpose program with Corpus Christy, Refugees & Racial Ministries  – could double or triple  amount of giving
        • talk about it next September