Climate Action Team Meeting notes, March 15, 2021


Attending:  Dan Bacon, Claudia Fernsworth, Eileen Geddings, Blanca Gerard, Rick Groff, Bob Huntley, Betsy Johnson, Dennis and Sharon Rockwood, Cathy Sandstrom, Scott Smith, Cornelia Sprung, John and Paula Warren, Tom von Alten

  • Updates – Green Sanctuary (GS) Projects – send any updates to  to be included in NOTES of this meeting
  • Earth Month Planning in 2021:  April 18 (Sun) – May 16 (Sun) 2021

Earth Month 2021 Calendar:  Cathy and Scott.  CAT should send suggested items to them asap.  Sample shows lots of links and interactive features.

–  Earth Month Kit – Cornelia is leading effort to create kit of items for the BUUF Gift Bag.  Items must be assembled by April 11.  BUUF will offer pick up of bags with “gift” related to giving campaign from April 11-24.  Earth Month kit will be included in bag and might include seeds, printed Earth Month Calendar, Meatless Monday dried pepper with promo on the April 26 cooking show, short Climate Change fact sheet (using IPL or other sources), IPL postcard to Sec. of Agriculture Vilsack, Environmental Working Group (EWG) pocket card of dirty and clean produce regarding pesticides, and maybe more.  Team: Cornelia, Betsy, Scott/Cathy, Blanca, Rick, John, Paula, Eileen.  Thanks everyone!

– Events by Date -confirmed

April 18 (Sun) – Worship “Earth Month Kick Off”
April 20 (Tues) – “Where’s The Beef: The Road to a Plant-Based Diet”  Paula and John Warren
April 22 (Thu) – Earth Day – Screening of “Kiss the Ground” (85min).
April 23 (Fri)  – “ Kiss the Ground” – follow up discussion
April 26 (Mon) – “Meatless Monday” cooking demo by Chef Michael Alvarado and Rev. Sara LaWall
May 2 (Sun) – “Equitable Climate Action: What is the Reality and What Are the Solutions,” Ty Benoit
May 4 (Tues) – “Where’s The Beef: The Road to a Plant-Based Diet”  – follow up discussion Paula and John Warren

Pending:  Citizens Climate Lobby (CCL) Boise Chapter – updates to the Carbon Fee and Dividend solution they propose in the new Congress and new Administration. 

5.  Other:

  • Project Drawdown #1 solution – Refrigerant Management
    • Republic Waste Management and Reuseum write ups going to Weds. Gazette via Eileen – Scott and Cathy .
    • Local Rotary project to collect R12-Freon refrigerant –next project in summer
  • Interfaith Power and Light (IPL) –“Sacred Ground: Cultivating Connections Between our Faith, our Food, and the Climate.” – kit materials and other for Earth Month Kit
  • C.A.B.I (Congregation Ahavath Beth Israel (CABI) here in Boise, Environmental Group is considering becoming the Idaho Affiliate of IPL. Sharon, Dennis and Eileen will join information call.
  • Book/Article Discussion – Rick suggests selection of a book to coincide with “Other Book Group” sometime next Fall.  Send suggestions to him.

6. Link to the CAT Webpage under Justice/Social Justice/Climate Action Team: 

  7.   NEXT MEETING DATES: (Third Monday) April 19 at 7:30-8:30pm

+ + + +NOTE NOTE NOTE: + + + +
The BASICS from Project Drawdown – good introductory video!  Put link into Earth Month Calendar and on list of events so folks get the “basics.”

Unit 1: Setting the Stage 13 min

Other videos in the series
Unit 2: Stopping Climate Change
Unit 3: Reducing Sources
Unit 4: Supporting Sinks and Improving Society
Unit 5: Putting It All Together
Unit 6: Making It Happen