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Meeting ID: 830 8051 1162
Password: chalice
Attending: Jim Bigelow, Sharon Rockwood, Dennis Rockwood, Mark Bussolini, Linda Secretan, Tom Neale, Jax Perez, Marni Odermann, Cathy Sandstrom
- Notes from the Dec 7, 2021 meeting
- chalice lighting
- As we search for justice, meaning, and purpose,
may we remember that justice, meaning, and purpose
live first in deeply listening to one another.
- As we search for justice, meaning, and purpose,
- Check-in & introductions
- Lisa Young, Director, Idaho Chapter Sierra Club
- Social Justice Resolution to Defend and Advocate with Transgender, Nonbinary, and Intersex Communities.
- Results of congregational vote:
- Passed w/ 104 votes, 100 yes votes
- next steps
- Legislative support for people fighting anti-trans bills in the Idaho Legislature.
- Legislative watching: Misti Tolman, (see Jax for names)
- offer a stipend for them to monitor Legislature for us?
- Follow what’s going on as reported by Debbie Mallis of the Interfaith Equality Coalition.
- the website for the legislature – This site helps identify your representatives. There are 35 legislative districts in Idaho, each with 1 Senator and 2 Representatives. Contact information for all of them is contained there, along with a calendar of all meetings and events, a bill tracker and a live stream for Senate and House meetings and committee hearings.
- following the day to day action is the Eye On Boise blog by Betsy Russell of the Idaho Press Tribune:
- Idaho Reports blog from Idaho Public TV
- New since last year is Idaho Capital Sun
- follow on Twitter using the hash tags #idleg and #idpol.
- The Facebook page ID Legislative Watch 2022 is helpful in following legislation and getting information and tips on committee testimony. (This is a private group so you will have to search for it and ask to join.)
- Legislative watching: Misti Tolman, (see Jax for names)
- Jax’s anti-trans discrimination lawsuit against city of Boise
- Perez v. City of Boise
- Human rights agency says library worker faced discrimination
- Perez v. City of Boise et al
- How can BUUF support this effort?
- Mark – BUUF can now issue a public statement of support Jax’s law suit
- Jim — update the Social Justice Resolution page to show the resolution passed & try a first draft of a public statement of support for Jax and their lawsuit
- Legislative support for people fighting anti-trans bills in the Idaho Legislature.
- Results of congregational vote:
- 2021-22 Plate Partners –spreadsheet here
- February: Immigrant Justice Idaho – BUUF contact person – Cathy S.
- March: Mészkő Scholarship Fund –
- April: Boise Citizens Climate Lobby (CCL) – BUUF contact person : Dennis and Sharon Rockwood
- Endorsement of the Idahoans for a Fair Wage petition to submit an citizen’s initiative to a vote in November
- We do this because a living wage is fundamental to a functioning democracy as well as a moral imperative. We do this as a part of our work to address the escalating economic inequity in our economic system and to work toward a goal of equitable outcomes of life, dignity and well-being experienced by all.
- Racial Justice Ministry participation in the Social Justice Council
- Keep them on distribution list for now
- The forming Idaho Interfaith Power and Light
- Creating A letter directed to leaders of Idaho from interfaith groups on reducing green house gas pollution from Idaho faith groups
- Climate Act Team can speak for BUUF by signing/endorsing the letter because of the BUUF climate resolution
- Here is the letter Idaho Faith Letter on Reducing GHG Pollution and instructions for faith groups and individuals who want to sign. The .pdf of the open letter is at this link: The list of signers is at this link:
- Social Justice Funding proposals
- Proposals/Ideas
- Refugee housing lease co-signer support
- becoming a promissory note so there isn’t a need for a fund
- Racial Justice 8th principle
- could pay rent for our use of stolen land and a way of building right relationship
- Reverend Sara Community Social Justice
- no further information than discussion in the Dec 2021 meeting
- Social Justice Fund special appeal
- good to have just one fund and people draw on rather than many independent asks
- Mark is willing to develop some recommendations
- Refugee housing lease co-signer support
- How will these funds, if established, be used in a transparent and accountable way?
- Can we get suggests on how to use these funds from:
- Proposals/Ideas
- Round Table
- Sharon and Dennis
- start working on climate action month (April, around Earth Day)\
- carbon buddy presentations — documented on the climate action BUUF web page
- looking for new leaders for the Climate Action Team by June
- Mark
- Started getting running shoes again for the Interfaith Sanctuary
- getting paperback books for the men’s and women’s prison from the Boise Library!
- prison work reform
- Cathy
- meeting of asylum program meeting to discuss Romel and his cousin
- getting together a presentation on how to support renter’s support
- Marni
- will check with the UUA’s funding programs
- Jax – a thank you.
- Tom
- offering support to Jax in their education
- Race in focus in coming up in Jan 24 with videos and discussions
- Wed morning coffee circle
- Linda
- interested in untangling CRT.
- Came to BUUF via the Wed morning coffee
- Jim
- Sharon and Dennis
- Next Meeting: February 1, 2022
- Closing
As we leave this place, we carry forth the common dream:
Homes and schools where children thrive,
Neighborhoods that are safe and clean,
An economy where no one is expendable,
A beloved community where rich and poor alike have access to the opportunity for a dignified and productive life,