Meeting canceled due to connection problems with the zoom link
Agenda w/ notes:
- Notes for the September 9, 2021 meeting
- Social Justice Resolution to Defend and Advocate with Transgender, Nonbinary, and Intersex Communities
- Based on the 2021 UUA General Assembly’s Action of Immediate Witness Defend and Advocate with Transgender, Nonbinary, and Intersex Communities (PDF)
- Authored by Jim Bigelow, Reverend Sara, and Jax Perez
- Sent for review by the Social Justice Council, Sept 11, 2021
- timeline as suggested by Rev. Sara in an email
- October 20, Submission to BUUF Board
- Nov., congregational comment period
- Dec., BUUF Board conducts a congregational vote.
- A BUUF resolution supporting the Transgender, Nonbinary and Intersex communities will be useful during the 2022 session of the Idaho Legislature.
- Need someone to represent the Social Justice Council after Oct 21 — Rev. Sara will arrange this
- Plate Partners
- November: Indigenous Idaho Alliance
- BUUF person who will speak for them: Jax
- Jax said in an email following the meeting that they are working with IIA to develop an appropriate introduction for the November service.
- BUUF person who will speak for them: Jax
- December: Planned Parenthood
- BUUF contact person: Marni Odermann
- November: Indigenous Idaho Alliance
- Refugee an Immigrant Ministry and the BUUF Social Justice Council
- Cathy Sandstrom and Diana Borrero-lowe will alternate attendance
- Next meeting is November 2nd
- Sharon Rockwood will chair the meeting