Social Justice Council, 12/7/21


Jim Bigelow, Rick Groff, Cathy Sandstrom, Mark Busssolini, Dennis & Sharon Rockwood, Marni Odermann Don Stepich, Reverend Sara, Sue Chew

Agenda and Notes:

  • Notes from the Nov  2, 2021 meeting
  • Introduction of Lisa Young, Director, Idaho Chapter Sierra Club — deferred to the Jan 11 meeting
  • Social Justice Resolution to Defend and Advocate with Transgender, Nonbinary, and Intersex Communities.
    • Review of feedback, click here for on-line feedback form,
      • on-line comments
        • Scott Smith – a different approach to #2 might be “Support social, economic, and political solutions to problems that intersect with and contribute to transgender bias”. I realize that this waters down our opportunity to comment on these issues more specifically, but it also tightens up our main message. “
        • Jim Bigelow: calling out specifics shows how we could address root causes and not just call for a more just and inclusive society using vague generalities.
      • comments from the Dec 5th  congregational feedback session
        • Jim Bigelow: I replaced the phrase “Defund the police” with the definition I found, “reimagine policing for transparency and accountability, improve funding for civil matters such as mental health”
        • Roger Sherman : Is removing “Defund The Police” the right thing to do
        • Jax Perez: Would like to aspire to a society that doesn’t need police.
      • Discuss  any possible changes
        • Item #2, “Support local organizations led by trans/nonbinary/intersex people and efforts to  reimagine policing for transparency and accountability, improve funding for civil matters such as mental health, decriminalize sex work, fund shelters for the unhoused, and other efforts that help trans/nonbinary/intersex people, particularly those who are low-income, BIPOC, and/or disabled;”
        • Cathy S. — add “their” to “efforts”  as in “Support local organization … and their efforts …”
      • Timeline
        • Dec 16, Board considers approval of the resolution
        • Early January: absentee voting (Jan 4 – 9)
      • Tabled for Rev. Sara, Jax and Jim to discuss and report back with final language
        • results due end of Thursday for group review.
        • final draft goes to the board on Monday, Dec 13
    • 2021-22 Plate Partnersspreadsheet here
      • December: Planned Parenthood  – BUUF contact person: Marni
      • January: Create Common Good – BUUF contact person – Mark
      • February: Immigrant Justice Idaho – BUUF contact person – Cathy
    • Social justice resolution process, quick review
    • Request to support a project to help transgender teens in the Treasure Valley headed by Maddie LaRochelle  They are a junior in the STEM Exploratory Internship class at Columbia High School in Nampa. They would like to raise at least $600 to provide FTM chest binders to as many people as possible.
      • We could fund $300 from social justice funds
      • Copy Rev. Sara and ask where to send the funds
    • Gift baskets for new refugee housing placements
      • Welcome basket for people’s new home
      • This could be the Christmas eve offering and get gift cards year round.
      • Albertsons will donate $25 gift cards and Fred Meyers does that too, US foods ($25). You’ll need a letter on BUUF letter head with the BUUF tax number explaining what its for
      • Cathy to talk to Rachel for letter head & Tax ID and to look in the BUUF pantry for things for the basket.
    • Refugee housing lease co-signing 
      • Sue, Cathy & Diane are reaching out to Chip Cole to see if renters insurance would cover risk
      • There are several co-signers available right now
    • Rick Groff & the Wednesday Racial Justice Group is asking for support from the Social Justice Council for a request for donations from BUUF members and friends to support the Duck Valley youth this month.
      • Everyone is supportive of a gift to Duck Valley
      • The BUUF staff is swamped now, so Rick will have to to collect funds and send them on to Duck Valley. So no tax write off, this year
      • Since there was a turn out last year about $4k. it’s a good chance that an ask will be met.
      • Marni will help Rick with the book keeping for donations.
      • Since Rick asked the Duck Valley folks what they would like and they told us, it’s important to follow through with a gift
    • A  proposal to build on the work  of Rick Groff and the Racial Justice Ministry by creating an ongoing BUUF fund related to our land acknowledgement.
      • The fund will try to accomplish donations to tribes that are not tied to the end of the year and Christmas
      • The name, purpose and scope are still under discussion.
      • Funds would go to local groups, BIPOC
      • a proposal would be presented to the Social Justice Council early in 2022.
      • The essence of our effort is how to foster and grow and long term commitment with a plate partner or group.
      • Rev. Sara is thinking about how to establish a long term fund using a significant yearly endowment
        • two funds: a community justice and an internal social justice
        • The funds would be used at the discretion of BUUF rather than a a grant process.
          • trying to avoid white benefactor and center BIPOC
        • would like to meld this idea with the folks thinking about an 8th principle/land acknowledgement fund.
    • Round Table
      • Mark
        • Jesse Tree needs volunteers
        • Ann Marie — looking for ideas for Special Appeal
        • Mark met with director of Create Common Good and will continue discussions
        • Rev Sara, The January Plate Partner is Create Common Good, perhaps we can partner with some project
    • Next meeting: January 4, 2022
      • Shift to January 11, 2022