“If you’re looking for a church that encourages you to open your mind rather than asking you to check your brain at the door, this is it!” -Jane Rohling

“As a long-time member and supporter of the Boise UU Fellowship, I can’t say enough about its importance in my own and my family’s lives. It’s an ongoing source of friendship, support, learning and joy.” – Jim Lyons

“Witnessing the Circle of Love” Annual Giving Drive Testimonials

Miriam Woito, Stewardship Team Member – “I am here in this congregation to experiment with the ripples I can make. And every time I come they are different. And I come to join my ripples with yours. Because together we have the power to ripple out expanding the circle of love to embrace this earth and all of humanity. This place is our home, our family, our puddle, our lake, our ocean…let us ripple forth!”

Shikhar Sarin, 2017 Annual Giving Drive Co-chair – “The theme for this year’s Annual Giving Drive is ‘The Circle of Love.’  A Circle of Love that comprises of a Circle of Giving, and a Circle of Receiving.  Like the Quality of Mercy, the act of Generosity is also divine.  It blesses those who give, as well as those who receive.  In the country of my birth, it is said that even in nature, a fruit-laden tree droops to the ground…So as we launch our Annual Giving Drive, I ask you if you have ever benefited from the generosity of others – then step up and honor that generosity – by offering a hand up to those who are in need now.  So that one day the recipients of your grace can stand here and honor your act of selfless love and generosity. Don’t let the enormity of the task discourage you.  Never feel that you could not/should not give, because your gift will make no difference – that it will just be a drop in the ocean. Know that each drop counts.  That many drops will ultimately fill the ocean. Mother Teresa once said. “If you can’t feed a 100 people, just feed one!” No one of us can do everything, but together we all can do something!

Wyatt Schroder, member & Executive Director of CATCH: Charitable Assistance to the Community’s Homeless – “As a new congregant, as a new Executive Director of a local for-good organization, I was bashful in the pews. I didn’t want to grandstand on behalf of my organization, CATCH (Charitable Assistance to the Community’s Homeless), or be that one-hit wonder designing every setlist around the same refrain. But you all raised me up. More importantly, you raised up the vision of ending homelessness in the Treasure Valley. Without a word from me, CATCH became a plate partner of this fellowship and Sara allowed the story to be told of how a family journeys from a night in shelter to a lifetime in stable housing. I am proud that this fellowship witnesses the circle of love in the passions of its congregants, in our vocations, in our callings. Thank you for supporting CATCH and giving a home to others.”