Category: Social Justice Blog

RIM mtg minutes 4/26/2023

Attending:  Betty Van Gheluwe, Dianne Morton, Valez Bird, Cathy Sandstrom Items discussed:  Next RIM meeting, 3 pm, 5/18. Sunshine Spice

Social Justice Council, 4/12/23

Time/Date/Connection: 6:30 pm, 4/12/23, by zoom Attending: Mark Bussolini, Cathy Sandstrom. Linda Secretan, Reverend Sara, Jim Bigelow Agenda:

CAT, Carbon Neutral, 4/18/23

Date/Time/Place: 4/16/23, 1 pm, North wing of BUUF Attending: John O’Connor, Cathy Sandstrom, John Warren, Amy Taivalkoski, Carol Ogburn, Tom Neale, Jim Bigelow Agenda:

BUUF Turns Out For Transgender Day of Visibility, 3/31/23

International Transgender Day of Visibility is an annual event occurring on March 31 dedicated to celebrating transgender people and raising awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide, as well as a celebration of their contributions to society. Boise’s Transgender Day of Visibility event was held at the Anne Frank Memorial.

Climate Action Team, Carbon Neutral Project, 2/21/23

Date, Time, Location: Feb 21, 23, 1 pm, BUUF Attending: Tom Neile, Carol Ogburn, John O’Connor, Cathy Sandstrom, Tom von Alten, Jim Bigelow Actions: Agenda & Discussion: John Warren’s Report on finding a resource efficiency analysis, Feb 20, 2023   Here is what I have learned so far, with more to come. Warm Springs Consulting (WSC)