
There are numerous ways to get involved at the Boise Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. In this section you will find pathways to deepening your connections with our community and with our UU faith. Whether you are interested in helping out with the Sunday morning coffee, or are ready to join a committee, or need some assistance, and aren’t sure who to reach out to, this is a great place to start.

There are a lot of easy ways to meet people. Attending an Inquirer’s Class on Sunday at 11:15am is a great way to meet other new people and learn more about what Boise UU is, believes, and what being in community means to us.

Volunteer to help out at Sunday morning coffee. Be an usher or a greeter (sign up on the hospitality table). Show up to a Friendship Dinner or host a Friendship Dinner (sign up on the hospitality table). Join a Small Group. Join a Social Justice Ministry Group, like the CouncilRapid Response Team, Rainbow Outreach, or Refugee and Immigrant Ministry. Attend an Adult Ed class. Play, learn, and explore with kids in their religious exploration classes Family Ministries.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments, please contact us at info@boiseuu.org.