Wed Mar 2, 2022 6pm – 7:30pm Mountain Time
Attending: Tom Neal, Sharon Rockwood, Reverend Sara, Jax Perez, Linda Secretan, Diana Borrero-lowe, Mark Busollini, Jim Bigelow
- Notes from the February 1, 2022 Meeting
- Ingathering/Brief Check-in
- Opening words by Reverend Sara
- Must: Reverend Sara’s sabbatical
- Carol Ogburn, cjogburn22@gmail,
- our liaison with Committee on Ministry
- Want: Representing BUUF Social Justice at GA 2022 — In Portland
- The Board will pay tuition for delegates
- Carol Ogburn, cjogburn22@gmail,
- Must: Plate Partners
- Assignments and Details during Reverend Sara’s sabbatical
- Logistics (Reverend Sara):
- We typically ask a Plate Partner to give a brief message at start of the first service of the month. This is an invitation rather than a requirement.
- For long time Plate Partners it’s usually, “what’s import right now”
- The message is to be kept to 3 min.
- While we have a hybrid service, we prefer in-person speakers due to tech problems for remote speaker, but can accept a pre-recorded 3 min video
- What is necessary for the liaison with a plate partner
- let them know they’ve been selected.
- Partner with them:
- Let them know we’re not looking for dog/pony show,
- They are invited to speak about themselves for 3 minutes but it’s not an absolute requirement — but people usually give more when a Plate Partner representative gives a personal message.
- We will speak on their behalf if they prefer for any reason, since the opportunity to give a message is an invitation rather than a requirement
- Jim and the liaison will talk with Nancy to coordinate with celebrant.
- If the Plate Partner can’t speak the first Sunday, than they an come on another.
- In-person speakers should come to BUUF 20 min ahead of time to get set
- If they would rather do do a video performance
- Could accept a 3min pre-recorded video
- They need to coordinate with Nancy and Mike L.
- The video must be ready for a Saturday run thru due to technical issues.
- Reverend Sara: it’s the job of the Social Justice Council to help nominators
- Reverend Sara will send contact info for the Women’s & Children’s Alliance & Idaho Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence
- Jim: Ask Nancy about services and especially celebrants
- Long term: it would be good to have a greater visibility of Plate Partner check presentations, where it makes sense
- Logistics (Reverend Sara):
- 2021 – 2022
- April: Citizen’s Climate Lobby – Boise – Sharon and Dennis Rockwood
- Celebrant – Rachael Murphy
- May: Brown Like Me – Eileen Oldag
- June: Women’s & Children’s Alliance — ?
- July: Pay-It-Forward-Fund
- August: Idaho Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence
- April: Citizen’s Climate Lobby – Boise – Sharon and Dennis Rockwood
- 2022 – 2023
- Nomination Form
- Nominations close Mid-April
- Plate Partner Slate of Candidates
- Chosen during April 27th meeting (in place of May 3rd meeting)
- on-line voting form completed by April 30
- On-line voting conducted by Board
- Assignments and Details during Reverend Sara’s sabbatical
- Must: Support for Interfaith Sanctuary
- Need a stand in for Reverend Sara during her sabbatical
- Reverend Sara has been in meetings with other faith leaders on how to support the Interfaith Sanctuary especially at the Boise city council in April
- testimony at the April meeting concerning the Interfaith Sanctuaries move will be restricted rather than open
- the weeks between now and April 18th are crucial
- planning how to support the Interfaith Sanctuaries move
- Plans events to support the interfaith sanctuary.
- Need a representative in the ongoing interfaith meetings wrt interfaith sanctuary
- Mark can help in April
- We need a good communicator / liaison
- People who are had a long term commitment to the Interfaith Sanctuary
- Jeanette Ross, Rick Groff, Pat Edmundson
- Reverend Sara will contact them to see if they can help
- People who are had a long term commitment to the Interfaith Sanctuary
- 3/3/22, Rev Sara, Rabbi Fink and Pastor Joe Bankard on Idaho Matters
- listen to them speak with Gemma Gaudette about the Interfaith Sanctuary move and the role or religion
- Reverend Sara has been in meetings with other faith leaders on how to support the Interfaith Sanctuary especially at the Boise city council in April
- Need a stand in for Reverend Sara during her sabbatical
- Must: Social Justice Fund/Special Appeal
- Please review and comment on the shared document below containing policies and guidelines on how to handle the fund
- Tom/Linda thoughts
- Our thinking on how to use social justice funds is inspired by Rick’s Duck Valley Christmas appeals
- How do we do this going forward?
- Dave Woito, 2/19 email: donations directed to the Eight Principle will be tracked as part of Social Justice [section of the budget?]
- Rev S. would like to establish an ongoing Social Justice fund outside of BUUF budget, using the Social Justice Special Appeal as seed money.
- How can we use these funds with special attention with respect to the 8th principle?
- Funding endeavors would come from our discussions rather than a grant processes.
- Want to work toward a partnership rather than simply giving money.
- Mark: want to have the policies published before we do anything with the funds.
- Need to describe the circumstances under which money is given away.
- this is a huge responsibility
- Our goal – do some good to someone.
- Diana – I have experience with managing the money for Rumel (BUUF supported Asylum seeker) from the special appeal for him
- It is a huge responsibility, to decide when and how to use the funds.
- Discussion of the Social Justice Funds Policy and Guidelines
- To be considered: how to manage the funds and what types of uses they could be used for.
- Rather than attempt how the “perfect” set of policies, we will refine these as we go along
- For everyone:
- Read and think about the the Social Justice Funds Policy and Guidelines
- Have a zoom meeting at the end of march just on this topic.
- Must: Next Meetings
- Should we switch to Wed from now on?
- No agreement at this point, but try something other than Tues in April
- April 4th & April 27th
- No meeting in May
- June 8
- No meeting in July
- August — mid-month rather than the first week
- Should we have a longer Resolution planning meeting?
- Should we switch to Wed from now on?
- Must: Refugee, Immigrant & Asylum Seekers
- Pledge form for support for refugee housing co-signers
- Diana is asking for review and comments on this
- Mark – have you thought of a bond
- Meeting adjourned
The remainder of the agenda was not discussed and will be carried over to following meetings
- Want: Social Justice Council and Resolutions
- Bylaws Review: Public Statements, discussed on Sunday 2/20/22 after the service
- Public Statements & Social Justice Resolutions – Policy & Procedures
- Want: Round Table
- Climate Action Team
- Racial Justice
- Refugee, Immigrant & Asylum Seekers
- Pledge form for support for refugee housing co-signers
- Diana is asking for review and comments on this
- Mark – have you thought of a bond
- Economic
- Other
- Want: 8th Principle/Land Reparations
- Dave Woito, 2/19 email: donations directed to the Eight Principle will be track as part of Social Justice.
- Want: Congregation-wide Social Justice Project
- Want: Ukrainian Refugee relief
- donate
- through The United States Association for UNHCR (USA for UNHCR)
- Direct Relief is one of the world’s largest distributors of the medical supplies
- Mercy Corps – humanitarian assistance
- International Medical Corps
- Save the Children
- donate
long Term Discussions and Planning – Fall Social Justice Workshop
- Reproductive Justice and Roe v Wade
- how to Support for the occupation protest of unhoused community members.
- How Can We Counter Soft Fascism/Illiberal Democracy Tactics?
- See What America Would Look Like in 2025 Under Trump for more about Soft Fascism/Illiberal Democracy
- Tactic: Public targeting of vulnerable groups
- Response: PR campaign to support Transgender, Nonbinary and Intersex communities
- Response: Support for Add The Words, June Pride Month
- Response for Un-housed people
- Endorsed Idahoans for a Fair Wage
- Tactic: Assault on Academics and Academic Freedom
- Tactic: Banning books,
- Tactic: Anti-CRT Campaigns
- Tactic: Reduced financial support for schools
- Tactic: Divide and Stigmatize
- Tactic: divide “worthy” and “unworthy”
- Response: Medicaid Expansion
- Tactic: divide “worthy” and “unworthy”
- Tactic: Voter Suppression
- Tactic: Violence & Intimidation
- How can we support democracy in the face of authoritarianism?
- See The Dark Century by David Brooks
- teach/support democratic skills:
- how to weigh evidence and commit to truth;
- how to correct for your own partisan blinders and learn to doubt your own opinions;
- how to respect people you disagree with;
- how to avoid catastrophism, conspiracy and apocalyptic thinking;
- how to avoid supporting demagogues;
- how to craft complex compromises