Category: Social Justice Blog

Idaho Faith Community Letter on Addressing Greenhouse Gas Pollution

January 24, 2022 Dear Idaho Leaders:  As members of the Boise Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in Garden City, Idaho, we take seriously our responsibility as stewards of creation. We value the sanctity of human life and all life. We acknowledge that our actions frequently have consequences on others. In 2019 we published our resolution Responding to Climate … Continue reading Idaho Faith Community Letter on Addressing Greenhouse Gas Pollution

Support for Jax Perez and Perez v City of Boise

January 2022 The Boise Unitarian Universalist Fellowship declares that its members and friends are in full agreement with the findings of the Idaho Human Rights  Commission that Jax Perez was sexually harassed and discriminated against while on their job at the Hillcrest branch of the Boise Public Library. Additionally, we fully support Jax Perez and … Continue reading Support for Jax Perez and Perez v City of Boise

Social Justice Council, 1/11/22

Connection Information: Join Zoom Meeting ID: 830 8051 1162Password: chalice Attending: Jim Bigelow, Sharon Rockwood, Dennis Rockwood, Mark Bussolini, Linda Secretan, Tom Neale, Jax Perez, Marni Odermann, Cathy Sandstrom Notes Notes from the Dec 7, 2021 meeting chalice lighting As we search for justice, meaning, and purpose,may we remember that justice, meaning, and purposelive … Continue reading Social Justice Council, 1/11/22

Social Justice Council, 12/7/21

Attending: Jim Bigelow, Rick Groff, Cathy Sandstrom, Mark Busssolini, Dennis & Sharon Rockwood, Marni Odermann Don Stepich, Reverend Sara, Sue Chew Agenda and Notes: Notes from the Nov  2, 2021 meeting Introduction of Lisa Young, Director, Idaho Chapter Sierra Club — deferred to the Jan 11 meeting Social Justice Resolution to Defend and Advocate with … Continue reading Social Justice Council, 12/7/21

Social Justice Council, 11/2/21

Attending:  Mark Bussonlini,  Marni Odermann, Dennis Rockwood, Sharon Rockwood, Cathy Sandstrom,  Don Stepich Agenda/Notes: Opening words – Sharon read a quote by Jalaluddin Rumi, 13th Century Persian Muslim poet, jurist, theologian and Sufi mystic. Be a lamp or a lifeboat or a ladder.  Help someone’s soul heal.                Walk out of your house like a shepherd. Notes … Continue reading Social Justice Council, 11/2/21

Social Justice Council, 10/5/21

Meeting canceled due to connection problems with the zoom link Agenda w/ notes: Notes for the September 9, 2021 meeting Social Justice Resolution to Defend and Advocate with Transgender, Nonbinary, and Intersex Communities Based on the 2021 UUA General Assembly’s Action of Immediate Witness Defend and Advocate with Transgender, Nonbinary, and Intersex Communities (PDF) Authored … Continue reading Social Justice Council, 10/5/21

Social Justice Resolution to Defend and Advocate with Transgender, Nonbinary, and Intersex Communities

Date: 9/9/2021, 6:25 pm, updated 1/28/22 by Jim BigelowStatus: Ratified by BUUF congregation on 1/11/22 Note: This resolution is inspired by the Action of Immediate Witness ratified at the 2021 General Assembly of the UUA: Defend and Advocate with Transgender, Nonbinary, and Intersex Communities (PDF) WHEREAS,  our  faith  has  publicly  called  for  transgender-affirming actions  for  … Continue reading Social Justice Resolution to Defend and Advocate with Transgender, Nonbinary, and Intersex Communities

Social Justice Council, 9/6/2021

Attending:  Mark Bussonlini, Jim Bigelow, Dennis Rockwood, Sharon Rockwood, Rev. Sara, Don Stepich, Jax Perez Opening Words From The Ministry of the Future  – Kim Stanley Robinson“A just civilization of eight billion, in balance with the biosphere’s production of the things we need; how would that look? What laws would create it? And how can … Continue reading Social Justice Council, 9/6/2021

Social Justice Council, 6/1/21

June meeting: 6/1/2021, 6pm – 7:30 Attending: Don Stepich, Marni Odermann, Jax Perez, Betty Van Gheluwe, Jim Bigelow Agenda: Plate Partners 2020 – 2021 June – Giraffe Laugh – Betty July – Idaho Food Bank – Mark August – Jesse Tree – Marni 2021 – 2022 Congregational votes for plate partners Planned Parenthood (reproductive justice … Continue reading Social Justice Council, 6/1/21

Indigenous Relations, 5/18/21

Attending: Tom Neale, Debbie Foster, Nona Rae Driscol, Jim Bigelow, Don Stepich, Carol Elmore, Joan Williams., Diane Ryssel Agenda: April 28, 2021 meeting  notes are posted on the BUUF Social Justice Blog Ingathering & check in “European colonizers found in the Americas thousands of complex, sophisticated, and sovereign Tribal Nations, each with millennia of distinct … Continue reading Indigenous Relations, 5/18/21